This is the complete list of members for ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher, including all inherited members.
CheckDistEpipolarLine(const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2, const cv::Mat &F12, const KeyFrame *pKF) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | protected |
ComputeThreeMaxima(std::vector< int > *histo, const int L, int &ind1, int &ind2, int &ind3) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | protected |
DescriptorDistance(const cv::Mat &a, const cv::Mat &b) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | static |
Fuse(KeyFrame *pKF, const vector< MapPoint *> &vpMapPoints, const float th=3.0) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
Fuse(KeyFrame *pKF, cv::Mat Scw, const std::vector< MapPoint *> &vpPoints, float th, vector< MapPoint *> &vpReplacePoint) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
HISTO_LENGTH (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | static |
mbCheckOrientation (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | protected |
mfNNratio (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | protected |
ORBmatcher(float nnratio=0.6, bool checkOri=true) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
RadiusByViewingCos(const float &viewCos) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | protected |
SearchByBoW(KeyFrame *pKF, Frame &F, std::vector< MapPoint *> &vpMapPointMatches) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
SearchByBoW(KeyFrame *pKF1, KeyFrame *pKF2, std::vector< MapPoint *> &vpMatches12) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
SearchByProjection(Frame &F, const std::vector< MapPoint *> &vpMapPoints, const float th=3) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
SearchByProjection(Frame &CurrentFrame, const Frame &LastFrame, const float th, const bool bMono) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
SearchByProjection(Frame &CurrentFrame, KeyFrame *pKF, const std::set< MapPoint *> &sAlreadyFound, const float th, const int ORBdist) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
SearchByProjection(KeyFrame *pKF, cv::Mat Scw, const std::vector< MapPoint *> &vpPoints, std::vector< MapPoint *> &vpMatched, int th) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
SearchBySim3(KeyFrame *pKF1, KeyFrame *pKF2, std::vector< MapPoint *> &vpMatches12, const float &s12, const cv::Mat &R12, const cv::Mat &t12, const float th) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
SearchForInitialization(Frame &F1, Frame &F2, std::vector< cv::Point2f > &vbPrevMatched, std::vector< int > &vnMatches12, int windowSize=10) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
SearchForTriangulation(KeyFrame *pKF1, KeyFrame *pKF2, cv::Mat F12, std::vector< pair< size_t, size_t > > &vMatchedPairs, const bool bOnlyStereo) (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | |
TH_HIGH (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | static |
TH_LOW (defined in ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher) | ORB_SLAM2::ORBmatcher | static |