Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
ORB_SLAM2::Frame Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for ORB_SLAM2::Frame:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 Frame (const Frame &frame)
 Frame (const cv::Mat &imLeft, const cv::Mat &imRight, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor *extractorLeft, ORBextractor *extractorRight, ORBVocabulary *voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth)
 Frame (const cv::Mat &imGray, const cv::Mat &imDepth, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor *extractor, ORBVocabulary *voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth)
 Frame (const cv::Mat &imGray, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor *extractor, ORBVocabulary *voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth)
void ExtractORB (int flag, const cv::Mat &im)
void ComputeBoW ()
void SetPose (cv::Mat Tcw)
void UpdatePoseMatrices ()
cv::Mat GetCameraCenter ()
cv::Mat GetRotationInverse ()
bool isInFrustum (MapPoint *pMP, float viewingCosLimit)
bool PosInGrid (const cv::KeyPoint &kp, int &posX, int &posY)
vector< size_t > GetFeaturesInArea (const float &x, const float &y, const float &r, const int minLevel=-1, const int maxLevel=-1) const
void ComputeStereoMatches ()
void ComputeStereoFromRGBD (const cv::Mat &imDepth)
cv::Mat UnprojectStereo (const int &i)

Public Attributes

ORBVocabulary * mpORBvocabulary
double mTimeStamp
cv::Mat mK
cv::Mat mDistCoef
float mbf
float mb
float mThDepth
int N
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > mvKeys
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > mvKeysRight
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > mvKeysUn
std::vector< float > mvuRight
std::vector< float > mvDepth
DBoW2::BowVector mBowVec
DBoW2::FeatureVector mFeatVec
cv::Mat mDescriptors
cv::Mat mDescriptorsRight
std::vector< MapPoint * > mvpMapPoints
std::vector< bool > mvbOutlier
std::vector< std::size_t > mGrid [FRAME_GRID_COLS][FRAME_GRID_ROWS]
cv::Mat mTcw
long unsigned int mnId
int mnScaleLevels
float mfScaleFactor
float mfLogScaleFactor
vector< float > mvScaleFactors
vector< float > mvInvScaleFactors
vector< float > mvLevelSigma2
vector< float > mvInvLevelSigma2

Static Public Attributes

static float fx
static float fy
static float cx
static float cy
static float invfx
static float invfy
static float mfGridElementWidthInv
static float mfGridElementHeightInv
static long unsigned int nNextId =0
static float mnMinX
static float mnMaxX
static float mnMinY
static float mnMaxY
static bool mbInitialComputations =true

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